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Marley, a.k.a. Little Kitty!

Marley Davidskin. Photo © 2008 Louis Pepin

This weekend we lost our little friend Marley, affectionately known as “Little Kitty!” An almost-hairless black-grey Sphynx, he lived with an enlarged heart most of his four years of life, and complications led to its final failure early Sunday morning. He was in emergency care for three days and gave a great fight with his little paw dukes. We like to say he died of having too much heart.

If you were lucky to have played with him, you know he was a very sensitive and psychic cat; a stealthy mouser who liked to hide mice under our hall rug as practical jokes so we’d walk over them for days before finding them flattened; an incredible jumper who could leap from the floor to the top of our fridge in a single bound; and, a little clown who constantly made up new games for us to play.

But most of all he was a pint-sized purring cuddler. I miss you, Little Kitty.

Marley photo by photographer Louis Pepin of San Francisco. Marley liked Louis.

2 Responses to “Marley, a.k.a. Little Kitty!”

  1. Broseph Says:


    Just a quick hi to my broseph. Hope all is well and hope you’re getting over the pain of losing a loved one.


  2. Broseph Says:

    Hey my man,

    I’m sorry you lost your dear friend. Personified, he sounds a bit like me. I have a cat as well. I feel your pain.

    Oh, and I like your stand up.

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