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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Hair Tattoo

Made from one Sharpie Ultra Fine Point permanent marker in black, my left arm (fist still attached), one whoopsy I lost count of the tequila shotz, and three unforgettable minutes.

3 Responses to “Hair Tattoo”

  1. T-Man's Last Words of '08 Says:

    Happy New Year, Lantainis! May your ’09 be fine. This past ’08 was a very difficult year for many to get down and masturbate; you know the economy and all. Unless, you jerked it to Tina Fey playing Sara Palin – or just to Sarah Palin herself – not many had a great time this year.

    Before father time steals up on us again, I’m pretty sure everyone will forget Sarah Palin and her awesome-like Cheryl David blow job mouth. MMMMMM gonna miss all those precious Palinisms: “I can see Russia from my House”; “Ya know, I love my Joe Six Packser”; “Global Warming? Ya, that just means God is holding us closer!”; “My experience as a Governor with less people than the city of Fresno, Ca. makes me experienced enough to become president if Grandpa dies.”

    And…Not to be labor the point on the daughter issue – but

    I wonder if her (Sarah Palin’s) promise to the Republican Right Wing, in regard to making sure her daughter married the local townie hockey star that knocked her little precious one up, ever will come to fruition. Nothing liked a forced wedding put upon 2 unwilling teenagers to make this world a better place.

    Ah, some more bullshit and unfulfilled promises from our Republican friends over the past 8 years. Palin’s daughter must be kinda happy that momma lost her vice prez dibs. Now she can slide on the marriage promise and head on over to the local 2 yr community college in Wasilla – books baby, and formula.

    Speaking of lies and unfulfilled promises:
    Remember these old golden lines from 2000 and on from our friends (really George W. Bush) from the Republican Party:

    1. No, I have no plans for nation building
    2. I’m a uniter not a divider
    3. Compassionate Conservatism
    4. Standing on the Rubble of the World Trade Center, Bush gave his version of the Sermon on the Mount:
    “The people who did this to us are gonna hear from us very soon.” (Bin Laden: where the fuck is he? – not dead, yet.)
    5. I’m gonna give the reader his/her next 6 precious fill in the list of memories, lies and fuck ups of George W. Bush.

    Happy New Year World, except for the Bush family, and that includes that no talent entertainment reporter, dick-wodd, Billy Bush.

    Yes, Bush family, you have made this world a more dangerous, divisive, and unhappier place to live in due to your presence on this earth. George Sr., Neil Bush and the Keating 5, and Douche W. himself will end up with so much Goddamned money by the time Douche Bag leaves office that they won’t give a fuck what people will think of them.

    Just for the world’s peace of mind just stick yourselves within the Kennebunkport Compound up “in the fucking Maine” and live within the panoply of all the wealth and fine estate you have acquired and just stay in that compound for the rest of your lives, please. Shit, if you all love golf, jogging, and tennis so much – please just create a golf course within KBunkport and just leave the rest of the U.S. citizens alone, including Mainers. They don’t want to see you on their golf courses. Shit, they’re voted blue, don’t you remember? Bottom line: whatever you need, just build it on your own property. You have plenty of property and money to do it. Just stay away.

    And, if you get a honkering (Bush Family) for going out to dinner – just order take out from the local Panda Express. Yeah, I know, its a bit like slumming it. But George Sr., isn’t that what you did when you set up an apartment for your fuck slut back in NYC all those many years ago? Family Values? Yeah, right.

  2. Cabo Wabo Says:

    And you know what you can do to that fist? Got a girlfriend or a wife. I’m sure even a brain-fry like yourself can get the implication.

    No? What’s that? You can’t? Well, I’ll spell it out for ya: you take the fist and you pick a hole – either of the “down there” private parts will do.

    You know, Elton John was very fond of fist fucking his men friends back in the day. Don’t get me wrong, the gays are fine. They bring up property values and buy high quality retail- how can you not like ‘em?

    Will and Grace your Grace with that fist o’ fun, Chochie. Woca-Woca.

  3. Cabo Wabo Says:

    Hey Dip-Shit,

    the Word “Marker” is not spelled M a r k e t. Still drunk from that trip to Mejico, Senora?

    Yeah: I remember when I had my first beer! What a r u, 35 going on 15. Grow up Hippie. Get a job!

    Funny site, though. Fuck: what has happened to this generation. Free sticker boy looks like he’s been through the fuckin’ wire of life. Ah well.

    190 pounds of molecules and a bad billy idol coloring – all gone to fuckin’ waste. This generation – I tell ya.

    Hope your comedy is good needle dick. I’m coming to the show next week. You better not waste my fucking time. I like to laugh when I’m buzzed.

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