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Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Let’s Toast to Obama!

Barack Toast
Available here.

6 Responses to “Let’s Toast to Obama!”

  1. Whookie Power Says:

    Funny link. I just got one thing to say:


    My poor impression of a Whookie Call.

  2. Do NOT ARREST THIS MAN Says: Says:

    I’m black. I know racism when I see it. To put out a White S.A.T. vocab. word out there… I think you’re a pretty BENIGN white boy.

    No sweat, whitey! I think you’re fucking around; I don’t see any harm in your humor.

    That college shit…with the videos and fuckin’ for food. Is that what you white people call art? I actually dig the Obama French Toast over that shit, man.

    The Obama Bread is cool, man. I don’t think you mean any harm.

    You are just a benign weird white man. You all are fucking weird.

    Profile of You:
    1)White Kid
    2)Parents put you through school
    3)You got good grades in HS or you would’ve had to have gone to USC, cuz UCI is hard as fuck to get into.
    4) You listened to that weird white people music like De Peche Mode and the Cure; even the B-52′s, but you started to hate them when they became “popular”
    5)You identify with social liberalism – so that’s why I don’t think you mean any harm with the French Toast Overture
    6)You are a freaky Alternative-Euro trash mutha fucka who likes strange shit.

    Do you like the nutshell of encapsulation I put you in, white boy?

    No? Well – what do you think black people feel like when you encapsulate us. I ain’t talking about Obama face “encapsulated in a piece of bread. Just in general, we’ve always been encapsulated as either dumb, lazy, gang bangers, drunkards, drug addicts, or thieves. I just wanted to give you a profile to see how it feels. In reality, this UCLA black man who’s got a few years on you doesn’t think those 6 or 7 things I listed above encapsulate you. However, you do throw a lot of shit about yourself on the internet in which someone could make a snap decision about you. Be aware of that my white brother.

    No man. You’re fine. You are just one freaky fucker with too much time and daddy’s money to play around with (see another prejudicial encapsulation; how’d you like it?). You are definitely not the enemy. You are a pasty ass mutha fucka. Any brother can see your ass coming a mile away. And since your intentions seem O.k. we won’t slam your skinny white ass.

  3. scotch Says:

    we’ve been getting off on freaky shit since we started electing leaders:

    so sit back and relax, cuz obama’s gonna be the butt of insane cultural references and jokery just like every leader in every country in every age before him.

    and to kick things off, you could do a lot worse than chewie’s younger brother, OBAMA BACCA!


    My black militant brother used to wear a black t- shirt in the early 90′s that said on the back: “Do Not Arrest This Man”

    Well: they should make you wear a shirt that says:
    “Don’t let this man into your child’s birthday party to “perform magic”.

    Cuz honestly, white boy, I don’t know what magic you want to do on no little kids, now? Ya hear me, dog?

  5. Insomnia Says:

    It’s 2:30 in the morning my time. Surfin’ around the web and what do I find? SHit. THis shit. The world is going to hell in a hand basket. Get a job like Cheesy said. Un dye the hair. Put a suit on instead of a diaper. and drink some milk from a glass. then you’ll get some energy and a chance to land a fucking job.

    Give the dude, OBAMA, a break. He literally just finished day 3.25.
    Tuesday was barely a quarter day.
    Wednesday thru Friday were 3 days.

    Yeah, I know what your smart ass mouth will say next: I’m afraid to see what he’s gonna do on Monday.

    Beat u to it. What he’ll do on Monday is put your freaky ass into Guantanamo and get those Military Trials going just for your freaky ass.

  6. Cute n' Cheesy Says:

    What Ever white boy. I feel sorry for your grunge 90′s look and creepy diaper ass, I ain’t sweating it.

    When the Black don’t have to stay back;

    When Brown can stick around;

    When Yellow can stay mellow;

    When Red man can get ahead man;

    and when white can do what’s right.

    I don’t know about you freaky euro-alternative minded mother fuckers. yeah, you seem like you all have white guilt and want to be fair to other races. But when a pasty looking mutha fucka like you with the man-baby diapers, and then some stupid ass Obama bread, I get a little angry; scratch my head; smile a little; then sigh and say to myself: ‘ you are all a bunch of sick mutha fuckaz, no matter which way you shake the white race. ‘

    You can be all bad: I mean shit you do make fun of yourself with that charichiture of your own pasty lookin’ mutha fuckin’ head with that Pete Townsend/Bernhard Goetz mutha fuckin’ shnoz. You types just make fun of everything including your pasty ass lookin’ freek selves.

    I saw your college videos: “you and your friends were one bunch of freaky mother fuckers.”

    You white people can get off on the most freakiest shit.
    You listen to shitty film. You all rip yourselves off by buying the most shittiest art. I give up. But, like us you did help a black dude get into the Oval Office; probably, now, because you’re feeling poor just like us.

    You seem like a rich kid with nothing better to do than to incite stupid ass shit. What, did daddy pay for you to finish college by year 7 Van Wilder. Yeah, graduating with honors while you were bobbing up n’ down like a down syndrome child saying I’ll fuck for food? Is that how a perfectly good white boy does to graduate with honors in English?

    I just don’t believe that shit. Stop lying on your resume and then maybe you’ll get a job – pasty ass mutha fucka!

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