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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Ackbar! The Star Wars Talk Show

The Skywalkers are the trashiest family in the galaxy.

3 Responses to “Ackbar! The Star Wars Talk Show”

  1. Darth-Douche Says:

    “I fucked your mother;
    then douched your sister-with my jiz;
    then ate out your mother’s mother;
    then masturbated about having sex with you.”

    “So what’s wrong with that? I liberal democrat and am ok with it. I just hope it was protected sex. Plus, what you do in your own mind with me is your business. However, I don’t “swing that way”.

    “Luke, I don’t you understand:
    I’m your father.”

    Luke: Noooooooooooooooooooo!

    Darth: Are you sad and mad, because I’m your father and were not there for you during your formative years, and plus I’m some what would call a power hungry socio-path?

    Luke: I can understand being your son. But the implications of fucking my sister, your daughter and then masturbating about having sex with me, your own son. That wreaks of incest: its against the law and it’s immoral.

    Darth: Technically, Luke, it’s against the law for everyone in the galaxy except for me, you, your sister, and the emperor. It’s a law we put in that no one else can see. It’s legal, because the emperor can right a law that no one else knows about; well, because he’s the emperor. He can do what he wants. This unknown law was a gift from the emperor to me, …or us if you want to engage in homosexual incest with me, for my 55th birthday. LUKE! JOIN US. YOU AND I WILL RULE THE UNIVERSE TOGETHER!

    Luke: I WILL NEVER ENGAGE IN incest activities with you, my sister or any other technical blood kin!

    Darth: I’m ok with that. I’ll just use the incest stuff, in regard to you as fodder for masturbation; but, I will continue to have sex with Leah. So will join me.

    Luke: I will never double team my sister with my father.

    Darth: I said o.k. on that Luke. I meant will you join me in your destiny to rule the galaxy.

    Luke: Oh, no doubt, dude. Yeah, that’ll be a blast.

    Darth: Do you mind killing Hans Solo for me?

    Luke: Yeah, why not. He’s our enemy now, but he doesn’t know that I’m his enemy. Of course. I’m the perfect trojan horse now.

    Darth: Yeah, that too.

    Luke: What do you mean…oh, you want me to kill him cuz he has eyes on Leah. Dad, that’s really fu….

    Darth: It’s a mute point you’re bringing up, Luke. You’re going to kill him because he’s our mortal enemy now and could prevent us and you from reaching your destiny of ruling the galaxy.

    Luke: Yes, dad. I’ll do it. I just don’t like one of the sub-texts to your motivation, that’s all.

    Darth: So you’ll do it?

    Luke: Hell’s to the Yeah, mutha fucka. I want to be half ruler of this here galaxy, bitch!

    Darth: Ah, the way kids talk these days. It’s as if he’s an teenage earth whigger. Why can’t it be good enough that he’ll rule the galaxy with me?

    Luke: I heard that little aside, pops; remember, I have jedi powers that means I have really good hearing to. If my hang up is being a whigger jedi once in awhile, I think that pales in comparison to having incestuous relations with my sister and masturbating to having sex with me, your jedi son.

    Darth: I like power and like to fuck people with power. Leah and you through your dna that i gave you have supernatural jedi powers. What’s so wrong about being attracted to that?

    Luke: Dad it’s called royal blue blood arrogance and it doesn’t help propogate a healthy species.

    Darth: Don’t worry about that, Luke. Remember, I’m a Jedi, too. If Leah gets impregnated she or I will just kill the embryo with our supernatural jedi powers.

    Luke: This family is sick. Are telling me that Leah is digging this shit?

    Darth: Luke, she came on to me after she knew I was her father. Come on, your sister’s a hottie and I’m half robot with mushy white skin underneath this hyperbolic garb. I never thought I could get her in my wildest dreams.

    Luke: You didn’t resist?

    Darth: Luke, she’s a light saber of hotness. She just grabbed my crouch and I was taken in from there on out.

    Luke: You all are a bunch of sick freaks. I’m Outtie 5000 bitch…

    Darth: Half the galaxy Luke.

    Luke: Alright, I’m in, I’m in.

  2. Trench Mouth Says:

    Funny as shit, my brother. Keep it rockin’!

  3. Trench Mouth Says:

    Fucking Hilarious, Wichie-Poo! Where you find this shit I have no fucking clue. That BANK of yours pays you a lot of fuckin’ money to surf the net for the shiz to put on your site.

    And, knowing that you’re a fervent libertarian mutha fucka, Iz gotz one more thing to say to you white pasty ass:

    Jay-Jay Walker is now the president, bitch! Dyn-o-mite!

    Go Uncle Junior, (Bob Barr)! It’s your birthday, take your clothes off!

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