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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Build Your Own Aircraft…With Flies

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2 Responses to “Build Your Own Aircraft…With Flies”

  1. Peta Girl Says:

    You white people are quirky, funny, but also sick. Come on. You have a video of yourself bouncing up and down saying “I’ll fuck for food”. White people. As I say you are funny but fucked in the head.

  2. Peta Girl Says:

    Someone got there balls back, teddy bear man. This is like a big fuck you to my eight nazi bitch bosses and i love it.

    Being a Peta Admin. Asst. can be hellacious. If i bring in a turkey sandwich it is like i killed Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. These overly liberal bitches that I work for don’t believe in anything spiritual other than saving animals. people don’t mean shit to them. if i do well on a report; or if i learn how to do pivot charts to be more efficient, they don’t say nice job or i like this lay-out or how did you learn this so quickly or how does a pivot table look. no, it’s like great can i have it now.

    these people will go take an elevator about 10 stories down just to put a spider back in a garden next to our building but they don’t care about people’s feelings. plus, if i swat a fly because our boss won’t put the ac in in la in september then i get a fucking stare and something like “remember who you work for” and then the silent treatment for another day. plus they’re all white. they love animals but hate people. white people are good at heart, but sometimes you need to unlock that heart, cuz if you don’t you are going to be too unhappy for too long and just hate life.

    hey, i agree with lobbying against domestic animal abuse and helping oceanic animals that are truly intelligent and have a lot to offer, but not having the right to eat fish is fucked. if i haven’t told you, they don’t want me to eat fish either. they are beyond animal protection they are nazi in the way they think. its all one way. white people are just fucked that way. i mean i took the job because i hate, I HATE animal cruelty. but like i said in the other post I believe GOD gave animals to man so they can eat them and use them for labor. As long as you don’t shoot them for sport or for cruel purposes, but for rational purposes, and without cruelty – i’m ok with it.

    and don’t force your veegan shit on me. I’m puerto rican. that means i was raised on certain foods. and beef and chicken are a staple in my culture. plus every body has a blood type and body type that may need more animal protein than another person. again, if you kill an animal for survival, fine. if you don’t abuse an animal or kill it for sport i’m down with that. that’s why i work for PETA. but don’t tell me that i can’t eat something because its wrong.

    what’s wrong is that nazi bitches at PETA will give me a mean ass glare if I eat a turkey or chicken salad sandwich for lunch. now that ain’t love for the most intelligent animal species which is known as man.

    white people need to chill and not get freaked over killing ants, wasps, spiders, mosquitos or other pests that cause human disease. PETA can’t see it that way; or maybe it is just white people who can’t find balance in the causes that they choose. why is it that Mediterraneans and Latin cultures put people over animals, but white people love their pets more than they like people. I sometimes feel sorry for white people’s misplaced values. I really feel sorry that you can’t find love with people and family. you put all your love into animals which is good for animals but sad for the lack of connection with family and people. you miss all the good stuff. i wish i could understand white people’s values. instead of cooking for your son or grandchild, i bet one of my bosses would bitch and moan over and have me write a report about some stupid post about flies that fly.

    ah white people. what is the world going to do to heal you of your misplaced values.

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