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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Retarded Policeman

24 Responses to “Retarded Policeman”

  1. Jersey Joe Says:

    Tard, tarded, retard, brain-fucked, Downs, Mongoloid, Mongoloid Meat Head. Who cares? If a retarded cop can give a black guy a blow job, then I’m entitled also!

    Give me a fucking blow job from a tard or an untard! A mouth is a mouth is a mouth! If tard can give me a bj better than college girl I’m buying tards brand of bj. There. I said it!

    Piously. Go fuck yourself. And Bono…don’t steal an image that ain’t yours. R U in the fucking group known as U2. Ha, ya retard?

  2. Bono Says:

    CNN just posted a big article on the use of the word retard:

    I’d have to agree with the literalist posters here who say, yes, people who are retarded, with low IQs, are retarded. That’s what they are. Their brain growth, intellect, or what have you, was retarded at some point compared to the general populace.

    And people with lower IQs do funny shit. They say funny things. Sometimes, brilliant things, by our standards.

    The problem isn’t with the well-adjusted retard. The problem is with the politically correct San Franciscans and friends who put their own feelings and fears onto those with lesser IQs. YOU are the problem. What’s wrong with being honest? Why not say, “Hey, you are special because you aren’t as smart as other people. But you can be just as creative, happy, and productive.” What’s so wrong with that?

    For god’s sake, they call it THE ‘SPECIAL’ OLYMPICS. That in itself is offensive, isn’t it? Why is it “special”? Because the people in it have lesser IQs.

    I agree with the truth-tellers. The right road is to help people who are retarded be ok with it. And that starts with the label. Not by pretending that they aren’t retarded. They are.

    That’s like being afraid to say cancer in front of someone who is dying of cancer. Um….sorry, the person is fully aware of what they have, and will probably resent you for being a P.C. tip-toe-around-it douchebag.


  3. Piously Not Yours, Says:

    You people are sick! You start out exploiting a downs syndrome adult, then you talk about how racist slurs are ok in certain contexts, and then you talk about having your mother jerk you off.

    San Franciscans, Californians, and east coast people are so f’d up. I’m glad I live in Montana.

    You people should be ashamed! Ashamed!

  4. Andy Rooney's Brother Says:


    Good one Fudgebuns! Hey, I wish I had a mom like that. Would she let you use a mag while she jerked you or did you have to look at her. Did she show a little tit or some beavage when she jerked your gherkin?

    And for the eyeglass kid. Yeah, I see what you’re saying. We are totally programmed and socialized to become prejudicial and bigoted. Maybe Hilarious had a point. Stop using some of those nasty words regardless of context and maybe you can stave off some of the hatred. Remember, those words always started with an overt negativity. Do you really think they’ve been euphemized over time just become of usage of private context between friends? I don’t think so.

    But, I still use slurs myself with friends as long as its not an earshot away from someone who may be offended. Not proud of it, but for shits n’ gigs I’m not going to be giving up my jocular persona overnight – especially when I’m bullshitting with my friends.

  5. Fudgebuns Says:

    Nice ones, Andy’s Brother. I remember all of that. You must be talking about the 70s. Or maybe the early 80s. Great times. Hey, don’t forget xploitation films of all kinds – blacks, women, fuckers in wheelchairs….classic.

    The only difference for me vs. you was racial. Where I grew up it was a total racial mix, but none of us kids knew it. One time my mom came to pick me up from school, and I said, “I made a new friend–he’s that kid with the glasses.” My mom looked and saw the kid with the glasses–and that he was black. I’d identified the kid first by his glasses, and hadn’t even mentioned his skin color — exactly the opposite of what most adults would probably do today. Kids are taught racism.

    And oh, my mom sometimes pretended to catch me jacking off, but only for a second. We’d pause for a laugh. Then she’d get back to jerking me.

    The 70s were better than now

  6. Andy Rooney's Brother Says:

    Does anyone remember:

    The I have a dream speech

    The saying: Can’t we all just get along

    The Double Mint Twins and their easy going benign flirtations

    Porn without the internet

    Telephones (Landlines only) and without answering machines; voice mail; caller id; and call waiting

    Comedians who didn’t pimp themselves through websites

    People who had thoughts but didn’t feel that they had to express them every two seconds on a blog site

    When the only mail that existed used postage

    People wrote letters instead of using the telephone because their parents would scold them for long distance calls

    When you could hit your kid and not get arrested

    You could hit your wife and not get arrested

    Be a man; rule your home; have a mistress; have a drink at lunch; and 2 when you got home before dinner – that your wife cooked without a Goddamn microwave; and having 2 more drinks during dinner

    You could smoke in an elevator

    You could smoke in hospitals

    You could smoke while holding your new infant son in your arms while ashes gently sifted down upon on his new blanket and no one gave a shit

    You could smoke in a car during the winter with the windows closed

    While in that car you and your kids didn’t wear a seat belt and no one thought too much about it

    Movie theaters would play x rated movies on Saturday nights and then a g rated movie the next afternoon after church. I would always wonder what that white stuff was

    No one thought about condoms and the worst disease you got would be cured with a shot or you’d be able to live with it (herpes)

    Parents screamed at each other and then closed their bedroom door and replaced screams when you were seven…sometimes they’d leave the door unlocked

    Parents and best friends of parents did bot shoot each other if someone was caught doing something they shouldn’t have with the best friends wife

    Dads played catch with their kids

    Pinball was a treat if your dad or mom would give you the quarter to play

    Station Wagons ruled the roads

    Everyone was poor which meant everyone was middle class

    The Government and Its citizens weren’t paranoid

    Everyone was white and it was an exotic treat to have a black, latino, or asian student in your class – just one exotic treat

    There were only 13 to 17 kids in your 3rd grade class. I still have those pictures

    There were only 22 kids in a high school classroom – at most

    Your parents sided with your teachers

    Parents let you run wild while barely knowing if you were down town making mischief or in your backyard

    If another adult took notice of your kids, you welcomed that behavior without suspicion

    You wanted to win at every fucking game you played during the day

    You were able to carry your books without a backpack to school everyday without a nap sack

    You liked pop rocks

    You liked pop rocks with soda even though your friends told you that you might die

    You liked looking into your dads and grandfather’s dresser draws to steel their cash and take a look at their nudie magazines

    When you stole money from your parents’ dresser draws they thought the maid took it, but never confronted them

    You new the word nigger and said it with your white 2nd grade friends because their wasn’t a black kid in sight

    Japs, Nips, and Gooks were used often as you played Army or GI Joe with your friends

    You played ball in the spring and summer only.

    In the winter time you did your homework

    You played with yourself under the covers and felt secure that no one knew what you were doing because the covers hid your hands…you did this even though you were having a sleep over party…it actually made you feel more empowered

    You punched people, got into fights during recess and no one was sent home or suspended

    You bullied and got bullied

    You were smart in some things and dumb in other things

    You had friends and you had enemies but no one got stabbed or shot

    You played with M-80′s and a plethora of fireworks…your parents knew but didn’t care or do much about it

    You had your first 6pack with a bunch of friends when you were 15.

    You kept your beer hidden at the side of the house…when you drank it sometimes it was cold and sometimes it was piss warm…but you didn’t care cuz it was beer and you were a minor

    You didn’t know what a “Rainbow” was in the 7th grade and if you did no girl no matter how slutty would give you one

    You were content with second base but pretended you knew what third base felt like

    You masturbated to a borrowed porn mag that your friend lent you… it was dirty but you were so horny you didn’t give a shit

    You almost got caught a few times by your moms jerking off…you realize 20 years later that she did catch you but was nice enough to pretend that you barely got “it” tucked back under the covers before she noticed. Thanks mom. I would have felt embarrassed otherwise.

    You like trying the same trick that your mom pulled above on your own son now. It’s fun to know that your kid’s blood pressure went to def con seven knowing that he “almost” got caught jerking off

    You didn’t have to worry about your 14 year old daughter telling a complete stranger online what her breast size is and how far she’s gone

    You could actually sock a guy without worrying about getting sued

    You could flip a guy off if he cut you off and wouldn’t have to worry about road rage reverberations

    When parents got divorced the mom would have custody M – F afternoons and Dad would get custody from Friday Night through Sunday

    Does anyone remember when Andy Rooney didn’t show up for the last 3 minutes of 60 minutes?

    I’m tired.

  7. Jerome's Debate Teacher Says:

    Dear Jerome,

    You made some excellent points, but the reasoning (the proof behind the opinion of your points) are shotty and full of holes. You dug yourself into an untenable labyrinth that put your reasons into a field bombardment that could easily be attacked from the other side. To write and rebut your inexorable litany would take a fortnight – but trust me your ass would be ground by the white devil during a debate tournament – especially by some Ivy League Princeton types.

    Jerome, since you are only 17 and graduating high school this June, I applaud your grammar, clarity and cogent writing along with your opinions, especially from a black youth who grew up with a crack head mother and gang bangers who you sat next to you during most of your K-12 educational career. And, you make a caravan of decent points – though they would be shot down by a formidable college debate team; you do, though, make some insightful, clear and cogent opinions for a 17 year old high school kid from the Bronx.

    Kudos Jerome, you definitely deserve that scholarship to a 4 year university in New England. Over time, your debate teachers will teach you how to hone the reasoning behind your statements so that a 22 year old white senior raised on oatmeal, tutors, and erudite debate coaches since the age of 7 won’t tear your black ass into shreds as if you were just another poor negro serving time on Rikers Island.

    Don’t worry my little Nubian prince, we’ll get you up to speed – my young brother – so Whitey won’t kick your ass during your debate tournaments when you get to college.

  8. Terry Johan Says:

    “Myyyyy nigger.”

    Hey, you’re right — now I DO feel more equal!

    Ok nigger, now you do it to me. Call me a whitey mother-fucking ass-raper!

  9. Jerome Says:

    yo, Hilarious: i get what you’re saying about changing hearts and minds, starting with language. if we delete certain words like nig, honky, kike, maybe the hateful associations will go away. burn the words, and you burn the ideas…

    just like when we used to ban books….right? ha

    it didn’t work then, and it dont work now.

    cultural sensitivity needs to be taught to children and adults alike. i’m all for that.

    but i have to say i agree that it’s all about understanding the appropriate social context. you don’t walk into a southern baptist church going nig nig nig, any more than you’d walk into ANY church and say fuck shit cunt.

    there is an appropriate time for inappropriate language–and it’s about context.

    hell, even nig has dual meanings. look at how blacks use it amongst themselves. sometimes you hear, “whuz up, my nig?” and it’s a fraternal label, a friendly, joking, self-effacing, and yes, historically rooted, greeting. but other times you hear racism between blacks. just last week on the bus i heard one black women say about another: “mmm mmm, that girl’s a nigger.” now what did that mean? what does that mean, when THAT word is used with venom today?

    the speaker on the bus was implying that her black target was literally one or more of the following: a criminal; she may have been in jail; she’s a loud-talking bitch; she’s pregnant, or has too many kids with different fathers; she’s a slut; she’ll do what anyone says; or, she picks cotton.

    the last paragraph is inflammatory, because it’s a stereotype. but, hey: there ARE some blacks who are criminals. and some who may even pick cotton….just like there are a lot of whites who are like that, and mexicans, and chinese, and everyone else. and we have names for the undesirables in those other races too, as well as for whites: honkey, white trash, trailer trash, white devil, aryan, albino, the man, cracker, goy, lynch-monger, whitebread, whitey….

    so if someone’s called a nigger, you gotta ask, is the target really the stereotypical fit? if not, THEN WHAT IS THE PROBLEM??? and if so, then a truth’s just been told!

    the point: people need to learn to be ok in their own skin, on their own terms, no matter what color their skin is. if someone calls me a honkey, i’m secure enough to say, whatever, dude. i ain’t no trailer trash, i ain’t no racist, let each man do what he wants, we’re all blood and bone.

    if people could get that comfortable with themselves, with that much self-worth and self-respect and confidence, i think it’d solve a lot of the problems between the races. because you could call anyone anything.

    but we won’t get there by banning words, or saying that certain words should never be uttered. they SHOULD be uttered. because that’s the only way to use up their power: by making them common.

    we should be going to the roots of self-esteem and self-worth. banning language is just a superficial gloss. you can ban ‘nig’ til you’re blue in the face, but it’s not gonna change the fact that everytime you turn on the TV news, you SEE with your OWN EYES that blacks are portrayed differently than whites by the media/entertainment giants. racism is in our pores, it’s in the air we breathe, the images we see all around us. superficial utterances are the least of our problems. shit. at least words are one thing we can control and play with for effect and own one way or another.

    the “sensitivity” of language ban has gotten so ridiculous that the san francisco chronicle has taken to omitting the race of perps in news stories if the perp isn’t white. click around and see for yourself — lots of people have commented on this fact.

    we got problems, dude, and name-calling should be the LEAST of them.

    since obama, according to the WSJ,

    *, which “drew a few thousand visitors per day in 2002,” now attracts “more than 40,000 unique users each day.”

    * David Duke “said hits to his Web site have doubled.”

    * “Roper says White Revolution receives about 10 new applicants each week, more than double the norm.”

    * “White supremacy groups have increased by nearly half since 2000, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

    normalizing relations — equality — means being able to say the SAME shit to a black man you’d say to a white, and vice-versa, which requires FEELINGS of equality and self-worth. you can’t fiat that feeling into being by banning shit — that just builds up more resentment. what’s that?? you wanna censor me?? FUCK YOU, THAT’S WHAT. that’s the reaction i have, anyway. no, that feeling of equality and respect and context has to be there, it has to be taught, and it has to be mutual on all sides. if blacks can say it, i can say it. if i can say it, blacks can say it.

    i should be able to say, “whuz up my negro?” to a black man. and he should be able to say to me, “whuz up, you white supremacist honkey?” and we should both be able to laugh. because we’re both secure in who we are, and what we are.

    let the richness of language — and the appropriatness and ironies of context — stand.

    multicultural theorists will scream and say, no no no, you can’t have it like that, it’ll never be like that, because, whitey, you’re writing and speaking from a position of power. and to that i say: that’s a very self-defeating way of viewing the world.

    look, i just read about a guy who lost both legs in the gulf war, yet he decided to attempt a cross-country bike ride, pedaling with his hands, to spread patriotism and share a new flag that’s been introduced to bring attention to vets who’ve given themselves to defend the u.s. halfway across the country, the guy died in a seizure from complications related to cancer and epilepsy.

    this guy’s done more than most of us, and with less.

    call him a cripple. i dare you. if were alive, he’d just laugh in your face, assuming it was a joke. or he’d tell you that you were so wrong. because the label doesn’t apply.

    say what you want. if there’s truth there, then amen. and if there isn’t, then what’s the harm? correct the speaker and buck the fuck up.

    this is Jerome. haha

  10. Out Takes Says:

    So this is what you do while I’m taking a shit? You spy on the blogging I do, and then come out with your own counter point?

    Next time I’m at your house I will not wash my hands after I take a shit, and then I will start blogging with my fecal fingers on your key board.

    However, you did make a good point. Onstage Comics do only get one shot to nail it on stage.

    But, I can’t wait to take a shit while I’m at your house. I will not wash my hands and not only touch your keyboard – but touch the food in your fridge, your clothes, your mom’s clothes, and your dad’s clothes. If I didn’t mention it, Mr. “Friend of Out Takes” lives with his parents. Way to go there Mr. Thirty Something!

  11. Friend of Out Take Says:

    Yeah Out Take,

    But – being on stage ain’t easy, either. Don’t go giving Kudos so quickly to comedic actors on film. They get a lot of do overs and they get the luxury of cue cards, coaching, and – dare I say again – plenty of do overs.

    On stage, you don’t get do overs. If a line flops and the audience starts to yawn, you have to think pretty fuckin’ quick to get things going again, and you don’t have Judd fucking Apatow coaching you on how to get out of the shit hole that you may have dug yourself into if the audience ain’t clicking to the shit you’re trying to riff as a stand up comedian.

    So, while you’re cheering on Corky Cop, Adam Sandler, Will Farrell, Paul Rudd, and John C. Reilly in regard to “technical comedic timing within film”, PLEASE DON’T FORGET that they get plenty of chances to get it right in a film setting and a STAND UP COMEDIAN basically gets ONE CHANCE for a line to come out perfect while on stage.

  12. Out Takes Says:

    Fleshing my point out further:

    Meaning, it may be more technically difficult to work with cameras, crew, and directors as an actor-comedian because it can cramp ones style and psyche out your sense of timing while on the set.

  13. Out Takes Says:

    oops: meant to say night club instead of “not club” in my previous post.

  14. Out Takes Says:


    saw the out takes. S— makes a good point about this Corky-Ponce guy. You know, watching the out takes of this series’ videos makes you realize or get a notion that this mentally retarded actor has a sense of comedic timing. That is pretty amazing considering that working on film and not in a not club is technically difficult. And, to get comedic timing down while you’re working with cast, crew, lighting, cameras, and such can be quite daunting for any actor, regardless of his/her IQ.

    Good job Corks.

  15. Hilarious Says:

    OK S-. I got your point and it is an extremely well thought out argument. Very tight. Like your past and present significant others’ smelly cunts.

    Though I laugh with you, I’m not saying that I’m right nor that you are correct – absolutely – with your extremely cogent argument; nor that I feel good about making fun of mentally retarded after the fact. Meaning, 10 minutes after I laughed my fucking ass off I get a come down of guilt.

    If I would not go around saying tard or nigger to acquaintances that I just met, why am I saying it around close friends for shits and giggles? Plus, I don’t think it is right to say tard or nigger to a close friend in private for shits and giggles – though I do it ALL the time. I’ll get back to this last sentence in a moment.

    Your logic is dead on. It’s quite hard to talk around it. In fact I can’t. You’ve won the debate.

    But… don’t you think some groups are disadvantaged due to past bigotry – like blacks – that call for a circumvention around your above argument? If i say ‘stop being a nigger’ as a playful slight to a good friend of mine – who may be white – who is not doing his/her best at a job or is not taking good care of his house or car, though it isn’t harmful to our relationship, and a black person hasn’t heard it, don’t I in some way perpetuate a hatred of that race within myself and my friend? We know the past and current context of the word, nigger, and the history involved with it, and the meaning of the word within the United States.

    So, maybe the PC’ers are trying to stop hate through word associations. Yeah, it may be annoying to people who aren’t within those classes to stop saying, “ah that hideous bitch of a boss of mine; great legs but sharp tongue when it comes to criticizing my work.” I believe what the PC people are saying is that these words and slurs that have extreme negative associations within a collective conscience do hurt because they perpetuate hate and discrimination.

    My point with a story: We knew that LBJ signed the voting rights act in the mid 60′s along with other civil rights acts that would have a positive latent effect on black people. My analogy is this: when we make laws, we understand that hearts and minds won’t change overnight, because you can’t cram goodwill down someone’s throat overnight. However, we do know, historically, that over time by acting a certain way, and adhering to laws – like white people in the south adhering to the letter of the 1960′s civil rights laws signed by congress and LBJ – we knew that in time attitudes and goodwill and behavior would change. Slowly would be an understatement.

    No – not over night – but over 40 years and beyond these laws would have an affect on the hearts and minds of generations to come. As we’ve seen this past 11/4/08.

    So, with this above paragraph about LBJ’s signing in of Civil Rights laws in the sixties, don’t you see a parallel analogy to the Politically Correct attitudes that came about in the early 90′s and are actually waning since then might have some merit? Meaning, if a PC person says: “I don’t like crude jokes about women”; or “I don’t like jokes about retarded people”; or “The nigger jokes are obnoxious and cruel”; don’t you think that what these people are saying is that if you stop using words (behavior) then maybe your thinking will turn around, and then your attitude will turn around, and then your overt behavior will turn around. Sort of like the reasoning behind LBJ/Congresses approval of the several civil rights acts produced in the 60′s. We create a law to improve actions – perfunctorily – then hearts and minds will change, then actions of good will will become natural rather than perfunctory.

    For example:

    Let’s say I’m an Executive Vice President of Recruiting at a major fortune 500 company. Let’s say that I have a friend outside of my work life and while shooting baskets I say ‘good hook shot, nigga’. Don’t you think that the words that I use may inhibit my attitude? And if that’s a correct premise, don’t you think that my behavior towards highering a qualified black person may also be inhibited? Attitude does effect behavior. Albert Bandura has proven this over and over again.

    My summary: I think the PCers are trying to influence your thinking and everyone’s thinking to change behavior in a positive way. I believe they may want to stop anything from sexual harassment in the workplace to discrimination against minorities, and even retards. Yes, they are trying to be the thought police, but who isn’t?

    Back to tards. Oops, I mean the mentally retarded. If you really want to help mentally retarded people, do you think by giving them an acting job that makes fun of them so that they may pay their rent is really about creating good will towards them? Yes, I can’t argue this. This guy is making fun of himself and he is doing it quite well and he should deserve a fat ass pay check so that he can pay his rent. Ponce is actually quite good in this video. He nails it! Actually, I do respect mentally retarded people more, now, after watching this video. A paradox to the above argument that I make. Hmmm.

  16. scotch Says:

    i’m with you, hilarious, and get this: i sent the video link to several people — dems, republicans, libertarians — and no matter the party, about a half of them were totally offended. the response i got was more or less that the cop is being exploited.

    if you go onto youtube and watch all of the cop videos, plus the outtakes where he’s goofing around with the director off-script, it’s pretty obvious the cop is very intelligent and self-aware with a sense of irony about what he’s doing.

    and he’s a better actor than tom cruise.

    i say that anyone who claims that this hilarious, bright fellow (his name’s ponce) is being exploited is harboring some serious 1950s-style prejudices about the potential of people with downs. these critics’ kneejerk logic is contradictory. if we put the man in the movie, and he’s fine with making fun of himself, critics say, well, you can’t air that video because it will appear exploitative. but they’ll also say you shouldn’t prevent the man from appearing in such a video, because he should be treated like any other human being, to reach for the stars, blah blah.

    part of me wants to give them the benefit of doubt and say the critics’ instinct is to be protective of a man who may be somehow “disabled”. but based on the tone of the comments i got back, my gut tells me a lot of them probably think this guy should probably be institutionalized and wearing a helmet.

    kudos to the “retarded” policeman — because he’s not retarded as far as i can tell, if a sense of humor and irony are signs of intelligence. he should be applauded for railing against stereotypes, self-defeating social castes, and elitist, segregational p.c. bullshit.

    context is everything, though p.c. jerkoffs would claim it isn’t. eve enstler (vagina monologues), lesbians, and feminists have reclaimed words like ‘cunt’ and ‘dyke’ to some degree. this doesn’t mean it’s ok to use these words in all contexts with impunity; it means the words are coming to have secondary definitions, depending on context. without venom, dyke means lesbian. “she’s a cute, hilarious dyke.” but with venom, dyke can mean masculine, bitchy, or an asshole. same with cunt: it can mean vagina. but it can also mean a woman who is indelicate, slutty, or unclean.

    the same rules regarding context should be true with words like retarded. if i say “stop being a tard” to a friend, he knows i’m communicating that he’s being lame, ridiculous, immature, silly, etc. but if i said the same to someone with downs, that could be abusive — no different from saying to a woman who is crying, “stop being such a woman.” normally, ‘woman’ isn’t an insult. but context here says it can be.

    the p.c. position is that the casual use of a word like ‘retard’ should be verboten because it somehow agically reinforces stereotypes of people who ARE retarded. i don’t see this logic. if i use ‘retard’ casually toward a friend, it’s pretty obvious i’m NOT making fun of people with down syndrome; what i’m really doing is laying a stereotypical depiction onto my friend to convey humor.

    from wikipedia: “Most individuals with Down syndrome have mental retardation in the mild (IQ 50–70) to moderate (IQ 35–50) range….”

    hell, those IQs are higher than many politicians’. so from now on, when i say RETARDED, i’m referring to people in elected office who happen to be mentally underdeveloped…such as those currently doling out billions to failing banks. but i digress.

    importantly, note the wiki quote: “mental retardation.” CALLING ALL P.C. FREAKS: PEOPLE WITH IQS OF 50-70 POINTS ARE MENTALLY RETARDED. THIS IS A FACT. STOP DENYING IT. CHILD PRODIGIES WITH IQs OF 180 ARE NOT ‘ORDINARY’ EITHER. a low IQ doesn’t make people with downs any less human, valuable, or fun. if we’re going to treat them like everyone else, they should be subjected to ridicule just like everyone else, because comedy is derived from truth. and the truth is, people with downs are retarded, just like ‘cunts’ sometimes smell like decaying fish, and yes, on that, i speak from personal experience. ridicule should not discriminate, if you’re serious about equality. yes, sure, there’s the counterargument that people with downs can’t help themselves, therefore they should not be ridiculed. that’s an outmoded argument that assumes people with downs actually *can’t* help themselves. they can — and those who can’t are merely retarded. so what. big deal. i have a big nose.

    let’s reclaim this shit.

  17. Hilarious Says:

    Bilemod: that fucking 2nd link was funnier than the posted vid. After seeing it I declare that Corky Cop is down with downs. The Yeah’s have it. the Nays can gobble some cock, cuz Corky Cop is one funny ass Downs Boy. Yeah, after seeing this 2nd vid. you can’t deny that he’s the real deal – a wicked smart tard like corky from Life Goes On.

    I didn’t like that show so much. But the mom was a MILF.

  18. Bilemod Says:

    I’m voting for retarded. His speech pattern is just too authentic, plus his physicality, plus his smashed face. That can’t be makeup. Can’t be.

    Here’s another one. So hilarious. Fuck politically correct pansy ass fuckers. Let’s take this shit back to the good old 70s.

  19. Yes Says:

    Yeah. the cop is retarded. he kinda reminds of william hung, the really bad chinese american idol singer that became so popular by being so bad. yeah. I think american down’s syndrome people kinda sound like chinese american second language learners. but william hung is no retard. he’s a bad ass uc berkley mo fo who knows his science n’ shit. but look at the forehead and eyes on william hung. (just you-tube or google the fucker to see who i’m talking about)

    it’s like chinese people have some facial structures that are similiar to western european/american down syndrome people. hmmm.

  20. Yes BMP Says:

    Yes. I think he’s got Downs Syndrome. You can’t really tell by the hands. Yeah, they look like web hands or some sort of Spock sign, but I couldn’t tell about the simian crease thing. had to look it up on wikipedia. the camera doesn’t really show the crease.

    where I really got the impression that this actor was down with downs was when he was laughing and how his eyes scrunched together with his forehead. I’ve seen retarded people laugh and get that sort of particular eye-forehead scrunch thing going in a very specific way that only pertains to them.

    So thumbs up on Corky Cop being a tard.

  21. Yes-TO Says:

    Yeah: the dude’s retarded. he’s got that mouth, eyes, and teeth of down syn people that i’ve seen. yeah, I vote Yes.

    but fuck, he’s a ten. I guess y’all think 10 means least retarded and 1 means extremely retarded. shit, the man can say lines and be cooperative on the set. When you think about it most normal jerk offs who don’t have downs syndrone and are working in McDonald’s can’t say the lines: “do you want fries with that coke.” So Bravo Corky Cop.

    And i would allow him to walk the dog without adult supervision; shit, i think corky-cop could actually use the pooper scooper correctly if trained well.

  22. Votes Says:

    We should get people to vote on this dude.

    Is he a normal actor without Downs Syndrome acting as if he has Down Syndrome

    - Or -

    He’s a Down Syndrome Actor

    The rules:

    Post Yes or No in the name and then give a brief explanation of your answer in the comment area.

    By the end of two weeks, we’ll tally and see who’s opinion won. Then, we’ll give you the real answer.

    I say check for the simian crease along with an overtly wide forehead as clues.

    Obla Di…Obla…Oh… Corky and Tard Nation surely lives on. (that’ll make Paul McCartney proud)

    What about Ringo? I don’t give a shit about Ringo. Fuck, he should be checked for a simian crease!

  23. Corky's Revenge Says:

    Go Down Syndrome Actors.

    Yes Ceo fun, you are correct, sir. The Show aired from 89 through 93 and featured the first major Down Syndrome character whose full name on the show was Charles “Corky” Thatcher. And the Shows NAME WAS: Life Goes On.

    So indeed, you get the Beatle’s Obla Di Song as the jingle for the show…”obla di obla da…ya-ya-ya-oh…na-na-na-na… Life goes on”.

    Since there are degrees of Down Syndrome: like on a scale from one to ten: meaning (1) totally fucked up; plus can’t wipe your own ass to (10) I wouldn’t give you $1000 to invest my money, but I can rest assured that you can walk the dog, in the gated back yard, with adult supervision; And, I wouldn’t have to wipe your ass.

    Since this guy (police tard) and Corky are 10′s I guess ABC and Mediocre Productions felt it was fair game to pick on Tard Nation. Hey, if they can act and they’re above 18, I say we land them (mildly Down Syn. adults) in Chatsworth, CA and see how they make a living in “acting”. Down Syndrome Porn – Can I get a Hallelujah!

  24. Ceo Fun Says:

    This guy may have a simian crease on his palm and an extra chromosome that categorically places him within a class of mental retardation known as down’s syndrome. Remember Corky the actor from that fuckin’ show that had chad lowe in it. The show that ripped off the beatle’s version of Obla di Obla da as its opening jingle.

    Chad Lowe was in the show; he was a character who had aids but wanted to fuck his girlfriend, Becca, anyway. Chad Lowe is the poor and weaker version of Rob Lowe – thats why the million dollar baby (Hill Swank) divorced his weak ass.

    Anyway, back to the vid. This guy is a great actor or a brilliant adult actor who has down syndrome. Bravo Scotch! for finding something so cruel but yet so fucking hilarious.

    He actually sounds like an Asian CEO-President that headed Linksys in the nineties. I know the tard is white and all, but he really sounds like a dude speaking English with a Taiwanese accent. And he’s pretty damn efficient with one liner’s and a stun gun! That’s an Taiwanese business man – always looking for ways to be efficient!

    Fucking cruel. but fucking funny. You are the master of twisted shit that lives on the tight rope of being almost too profane, while being fuckin’ hilarious at the same time.

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