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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Like a Desert in My Mouth

4 Responses to “Like a Desert in My Mouth”

  1. Stick it in her ass Says:

    Lube the Ass with KY Oil or Astro Glide and just stick it in or up her ass – END OF FUCKING STORY with this College Cunt!

    I respect women!

  2. Green CrEaM Says:

    I had a Jewish girl when I was young and she knew how to do it. She’d chew my jism, then spit it at my window screen and laugh and I’d have to hose it off. She also liked to scream “IF YOU ARE THERE JESUS, COME ON DOWN!” but he never did. She and I were 16. She either blew a bunch of guys or was a natural. Not sure about the screen trick. That was probably just her being freaky.

  3. College Says:

    Yeah. Back in the day, especially in college – da bitches just didn’t know how to give good head. IT HURT like a mother fucker. Hey, but by the time they hit their mid-twenties their suck like fucking pros. Hey, the college years was their practice time. the pay off for us is that they eventually got it right – after about 4 to 6 years! From Sand paper and nails to smooth finishing. I loved my mid 20′s! when it came to BJ’s. But in my late teens to early twenties I’d rather have a great lotioned-up hand job than a painful bj. You bitches just didn’t know how to suck cock until your mid to late 20′s. I’m sorry but it’s truth! Now suck on that. The truth always goes down the gullet hard.

  4. Hilarious Says:

    Funny. But Ponce, or Corky Cop – as the other posters label him – rules the pool. Blow job girl was good, but Corky crams her cram holes with that extra chromosome that makes this girl’s holes – wet or dry – ache.

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