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Interview with Patton Oswalt


5 Responses to “Interview with Patton Oswalt”

  1. False Advertising Says:

    Patton Oswald is as old as fuck. This photo makes him look like he’s 15 and is trying to intimidate the 7-11 guy, behind the counter, to sell him a porn mag and a pack of Marlboro. Even the towel headed slurpee seller who just got off the fucknin’ boat is laughing at this fat 15 year old cheezer and ain’t gettin’ intimated by this hump of a mug.

    No dice and no porn for you, Mr. Oswald.

  2. Riffer2ElectricBoogaLoo Says:

    I don’t give a fuck about this psuedo intellectual child who thinks he’s a comic. Stop making trite analogies about Daffy and Bugs being such sharp shooting scum bags. I didn’t laugh at Daffy or Bugs. I just watched it because that what was on. I remember looking around at the other kids around me who would watch it; and guess what, they laughed just like you.

    Slap stick ain’t funny. And if you watched and laughed at Bugs then you fit the median, and the norm. You were a drone like everyone else Paxton – uh Patton.

    Nice parallel of a pickup: meaning that everyone laughed at bugs cuz he was mean. But, so fucking what. It was stupid ass slapstick. I just didn’t like it as a kid and couldn’t understand my other booger eating aged cohorts.

    I guess I’m a freak, but Paxton you should cut down on those carbs and the Damien-Omen look just doesn’t play on a guy with a dough boy face.

    Find another look. Better yet, be yourself.

    And SW, that was a long as fuck interview link. I’m surprised anyone would’ve read this boring muthafucka drone on about his psuedo-intellectual parallel draw of discovery. Honestly, I’d rather watch Charlie Manson doing stand up and having to put up with his intermittant non-sequiters that brake the flow of a laugh than to watch Baby Face make some trite observations about what’s funny and why.

    And T., the article was long as fuck as you and not worth the read; plus, if you want to be a comic be a comic don’t study it and don’t force anything. The great one’s mimic and pick up shit from there hero’s and then synthetically make it there own. But they don’t go looking for Bugs Bunny for good schtick. And if they do, the world is ending.

  3. Riffer Says:

    This juggler totally looks like a guy who wants to look like he’s Sam Neill playing Damien Thorn, but he just has too much of a baby face. Yeah Patton, keep watching those cartoons and maybe you’ll get hair one on your chin someday.

    You’re such a cute boy. Momma must be proud. While your mom was turning tricks in the back room, I bet she loaded you up with Kraft Microwaveable Mac n’ Cheese while she left you plopped in front of the boob-tube watching Bugs n’ Friends!

    Now that you’re a man, ya gotta cut down on those carbs there, bub!

    Oh, and say hi to your moms for me! She charged a bit much for someone who wasn’t such a looker.

  4. goulash Says:

    This is fantastic:

    “…everyone loves Mickey Mouse, but he’s not funny. Bugs Bunny is a prick, and he’s so funny. And Daffy’s a prick. They’re all douchebags.”

  5. T. Says:

    Good Stuff. This guy gives you the platform of unplatform. Go out there and describe your observations and don’t give a fuck. Just like fucking writers; write what entertains you. So, just like writers, comics should say/describe/tell what they think is funny to them. This guy knows himself.

    If you want to be a comic read this shit and stop over-critiquing yourself and what your audience might think. If you know you don’t gel with a place or a situation as a comic, don’t go in. Or, you can tweak, but don’t go over analytical or you’ll lose yourself and your own schtoomy.

    PC is bullshit and should be thrown away. Be your fucking self. Let your head/mind guide you. Take off the fucking filters and fly.

    S– you picked a good article. Long as fuck but worth the read.

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