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Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
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Flashback Interviews with Bobcat and Mitch

Some old-but-instructive interviews with Mitch Hedberg at Arizona State University, Montreal, and with Howard Stern. Also found some old Bobcat Goldthwait here and here. Although superficially their volume couldn’t be more different, their intensity, observations about the industry, subtle political POVs, and riffing skills are formidable.

13 Responses to “Flashback Interviews with Bobcat and Mitch”

  1. Ten Percenter Says:


    People are either out of work or scarred shitless that they’ll be out of work. If the 10% who are out of work have nothing else better to do then blow off steam – let them. The other 90% are shitten their pants not knowing when the ball will drop; so I say, let them have their fun, also.

    Oh, Kelly Bundy – for sure. I’m no milf hunter.

  2. Rodney Says:

    Don’t you all have something better to do with your time. Is California and the rest of the country this fucked that know one knows what to do with their fucking time?

  3. Cigar Boy Says:

    Oh, it’s hard to judge. I wanted to fuck them both. But when I was a teen, I had a hair fetish. I was masturbating, tons, during the Regan 80′s and I had a lot of Jewish girls in my school who had teased out semitic hair. Well, peggy bundy also had the teased out hair – kind of 60′s and 80′s hair kinda meshed together.

    Well, I liked both of them and so many of my high school – girl – classmates were featured, appeared cameo and had starring roles during my jerk off teen years. What got me always jazzed was fucking some girls head hair. Man, back in those days the hair was teased up beyond the bonnet. I just wanted to hump the crown of the girls head, while her hair acted as a semi-friction agent. It was my favorite fetish imagery during the act of jerking it. So, I always wanted to do Peggy Bundy’s hair, and I wanted to fuck Kelley Bundy’s tits while Bud was watching and jerking off to me fucking his sister.

  4. Cigar Boy Says:

    Didn’t Bill Clinton fondle Monica’s vagina with a cigar.

    If so, what was the brand of the cigar. I remember that the dress was a $20.00 blue Gap dress, but know one ever says the cigar brand Willy C. was using to toggle Lewinski’s clit. Now that’s an important piece of trivia, bitches!

    Where is Ken Starr when you need him.

  5. Buck Bundy Says:

    I wanted to dry hump the refrigerator, cuz it was never used, just talked about.

  6. Bud Bundy Says:

    Yeah: wanted to do both bitches, but if i had to choose I’d do momma bundy. I loved the episode where Al had his wife clean the outside patio furniture before a barbecue. He got all turned on everytime she bended over to clean. Then he just grabbed her like a fuckin’ cave man and did her like the 50′s teased hair ho’ she was. Damn, I’d do ‘em both. I used to jerk it to kelly right before wrestling practice; in the boys locker room. But when i was at home and had privacy, a locked door and time, mom bundy got the higher blasts.

  7. Al B. Says:

    Both at the same time; those two bitches were my main masturbation fodder when i got tired to jerkin it to my over used skeezed out hustler mag.

  8. Ice Ice Baby! Says:

    Hey Mr. Mongoloid,

    at least know how to spell your site name correctly are people will think you are retarded.

    I do think in real life this S- guy looks like a heroin addicted billy idol who’s lost his money, but the comic rendering of his likeness – within the Evil Twins logo – is that of Vanilla Ice. And the image of kaydee looks like a younger peggy bundy with brown instead of red hair.

    Who did you want to bone more back in the day, Kelly Bundy or Peggy Bundy?

  9. Mongloid Power Says:

    Hey psuedo, quasi billy idol boy. put some more corky the retard cop shit up, too, beatch. That tard had me laughing so hard I became a tard myself and turded my pants. See. I’m a fuckin’ comedian, too. Wow, HeH-Ho, Look at me now I made a funny!

  10. Anti-Intelligencia Says:

    Oh and I liked the wet-back asian looking guy getting kicked in the balls by an asian wet-back looking girl. Yeah, you complained that you didn’t say the right thing to this dude or that dude, as if comedians were fucking royalty, nigga pleaze. But, the picture was fuckin’ hilarious. Put shit like that up again, dip shit.

  11. Fuck her Says:

    Yeah, if you wanna get funny again, I suggest you fuck your evil twin.

    “Evil Twins power activate. Form a funny guy who puts up good fucking posts on his comedy website.”

    OK, I ripped off the DC Comics Wonder Twins characters. Remember, the two asian spock lookin’ twins would join their magic rings together and then trade of a certain spiel in tandem like:
    Chinky Twins Choral: “Wonder Twin powers activate”
    Chinky Twin Girl:”Form into an ice slope;
    Chinky Twin Guy:”Form into an elephant.”

    Then they’d wave and wink their chinky eyes and noses like i dream of fuckin’ jeanie and then they’d morph into being their respective huge chunk of fuckin’ ice and elephant.

    The elephant would slide down the ice as if it were a fuckin’ skater’s slope and knock down the bad guys as if they were bowling pins.


    Choral: “Evil Twin Powers Activate”
    Male Evil Twin: “Make me into a huge black penis”
    Female Evil Twin: “Make me into a huge blond vagina”

    Then the mongrelization would create a huge Oreo NFL superstud would emerge 22 years later.

    See, its not too hard to be funny.

  12. Anti-Intelligencia Says:

    I can’t fuckin’ work with this elitist comic-artist bullshit. Kick out the style and bring back the jam.

    SW, I loved it when you had shit that fuckheads like me and other motherfuckers could comment on that was fuckin’ fun and funny to comment on.

    I personally believe – and I think I speak for many of the fans of this website – if you can put the slightly wacky-cool shit that commenters could bite into, like the pig virus mask, the abuse of flies diagram, and psycho chuckie manson you’d get more fuckin’ mileage.

    When I come to this site, I wanna have fuckin’ fun. I want your posts to incite me to laugh and comment. I don’t give a flying fuck about comedic pov from a fat fuckin’ dead guy who screamed his off on the Howard Stern show along with Jessica Han.

    Sure, put an insightful and intelligent dig here and there, but make the post fuckin’ meaty – Like your father’s wife pussy. Dude, Having 3 fuckin’ links that promote the analytics of comedy under a post is as boring as your sex life. Cuz if you had a good sex life, you wouldn’t be putting boring posts about the analytics of comedy on your goddamn website.

    Now, go down to the tenderloin and get your self some cock or pussy, and then put a funny fuckin’ post for your viewer’s to comment on – fuck face.

  13. U2 Says:

    Is that guy with the beard fucking Bono?

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