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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Video Preview: Idiots Coming to the 2013 Hollywood Fringe Festival!

Here’s a taste of the insanity I’ve been cooking up for the 2013 Hollywood Fringe Festival in June with John Gilkey, Natalie Palamides, Alec Jones-Trujillo, Tyler Watson, Gabriel McKinney, Tim Reid, Claire Titelman, and Don Colliver. The show’s called Wet The Hippo, and our preview shows all sold out, so don’t delay! Get ticket info here!

*** UPDATE: Bitter Lemons, L.A.’s most trusted source for theater news & reviews, just posted a great review of WET THE HIPPO, and called the duo piece that I performed with Natalie Palamides…absolutely hilarious…hallucinatory….” Not bad!

7 Responses to “Video Preview: Idiots Coming to the 2013 Hollywood Fringe Festival!”

  1. Leonard Minxter Says:

    haha, is that performance art? i can’t wait!!! say hi to john!

  2. Mitre von Klee Says:


  3. Yak Says:

    I just bought tickets for June!!!

  4. Frank Says:

    hurry up june!

  5. Frank Says:


  6. Dean Miller Says:

    wow. just…wow.

  7. looloo Says:

    kick ass!

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