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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Why Such A Long Book Title, Man?

Many people ask why my novel, Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him, has such a long title.


1. It’s ridiculous (and therefore, I hope, memorable).

2. It references Hank and Larry, the novel’s performance art protagonists, who believe that every performance art piece should be given a title that simply says what the piece is about. Example: “Slap My Face With A 2-Pound Trout.”

3. My first boss (who is now a billionaire) gave me this marketing advice: “The best name for a thing just tells people what it does.” Maybe he was on to something.

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