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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Trust This Face? Hm…

Scotch Wichmann, cybersecurity researcher in Los AngelesAfter 2 long years and 160,000 scholarly words written, my Cybersecurity M.S. degree from the University of Maryland is officially done!

I met a ton of smart people (including a Ph.D. hunting for extraterrestrials), debated national security policy with 3-letter agency spooks, and learned many scary things I’ll be writing about on my cybersecurity research blog ( when I’m not busy destroying art galleries with rabid dance moves and razors in my panties (yep, I did that).

With school over, I’m officially returning to freakyland, but in both the creative and security realms now. So, look for more performances, a one-man show (finally), and short films as I experiment more with Hollywood. And trust that performance art methods will also spill into the cybersecurity domain, where I’ll be researching new and (hopefully) unpredictable methods for subversion.

Don’t let the coat and collar in my photo here fool you — I was naked from the waist down. (Still am).

8 Responses to “Trust This Face? Hm…”

  1. Jennifer G Says:

    And see you author day!

  2. Jennifer G Says:

    Cant wait for next one!

  3. Bill Aroya Says:

    Great piece last night man!

  4. Stephen David Taylor Says:

    To My Dear Friend Scott (in honor of his mother) and my My Dear Friend Scotch (in honor of his identity and stage name),

    I am so glad and proud of you with regard to earning your Master’s of Science in Cybersecurity from the University of Maryland! Education is a good, good thing and I am happy that you’ve climbed an important ladder in your life through the earning of this degree within an esteemed and important field.

    Stephen David Taylor

  5. Jay Himes Says:

    I mean, really

  6. Jay Himes Says:

    I didn’t know the govt was so nasty

  7. Jay Himes Says:

    Also, saw your security article on Lifehacker — good going

  8. Jay Himes Says:

    Good luck to you!

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