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Fun With NSA Watchwords

NSA got you feeling paranoid?  Not to worry: I made you a little tool that’ll let you encrypt (scramble) any message between you and a friend using a browser or smartphone.

But this scrambler has a surprise. After encrypting your message with industrial-grade AES encryption, the tool further scrambles the output into a mess of random NSA terror watchwords. If the NSA is so hellbent on illegal eavesdropping, why not give them something fun to read? And if enough of us use this, in theory it should make it harder for them to single out any one person for monitoring.

Scrambling the phrase NSA is watching with the password eavesdrop produces a ciphertext of:

exposure bomber spy worm cain black chemicals port marijuana hazmat botnets eavesdrop codes standoff trafficking cain black underground eavesdrop trafficking pipe scam narcotics undercover tnt riot black national biological trafficking listen port cops initiative force cartels looting underground nitrate national bombing nitrate outbreak mitigate

…and then you can use the eavesdrop password again to decrypt the whole mess back to normal.

Haha, OK, granted, maybe it’s not the most efficient means of communication, but it’s fun. And the AES makes it strong as hell. And it’s one more way to protest the erosion of our constitutional rights. Ssshh! They’re listening.

Get scrambled at Ø

2 Responses to “Fun With NSA Watchwords”

  1. textbook Says:

    Unfortunately, the way we lose our freedom is by not having the ability to foresee or notice its erosion right in front of eyes and in our current epochal period.

    We have Orwell, Bradbury, Huxley and Vonnegut explainig how a society may lose its freedom and they seem to expound even more on its surrealistic consequences.

    The authors give us cases on how we lose our freedoms by not actively checking the government that leads us and they imagine how our collective lives may turn out.

    Yestrday there was a bipartisn commitment within the House which was backed by the president to coninue excessive surveillance on us. We all should be able to understand that tis data minining will be used as leverage against us – not just the terrorists.

    It is unfortunate that not many care to tie the Orwells, Huxley’s and the rest of the authors who describe govrnmental usurpation of our freedom with what Obama, the NSA and congresss are collectively doing to hurt our freedom and our right to privacy.

    Privacy lost is a freedom that is lost and the books we read in high school and college are attempted – yet fictional textbook -cases of how freedoms are lost. Unfortunately, we do not tie in the practical case of our own period with fictional textbook cases of how individual freedoms are lost and how they are exploited against the society that has lost it.

    A society that expects to rely on a textbook to show us how we will lose our freedoms is a society that will lose it. Life and loss is very rarely a textbook case. However, the textbook case is revealed after it has manifested. What is happening now is tomorrow’s textbook case of how a society loses its freedom.

  2. moonshinefix Says:

    exposure bomber spy worm cain black chemicals port marijuana hazmat botnets biological blister biological security chemicals phish tnt narcotics infiltrate spy eavesdrop protect cain bombing initiative exposure scam pirate phish bomb narcotics tnt russia chemicals drug bomb eavesdrop standoff botnets bridges force eavesdrop mitigate

    password: readme

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