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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Archive for the ‘Parapsychology’ Category

More Psychic Hacking and My Legs Are Dead

Friday, October 11th, 2024

Fall is here, the leaves are falling, and I’m super excited to say that my presentation on Psychic Hacking at the 42nd Society for Scientific Exploration convention was a success with lively Q&A and a bunch of exciting follow-ups, including possible publishing and research collaboration opportunities. Yay! If you have 20 minutes to spare, and you’re curious whether psychics can hack into secure computers using only their minds, check out the video of my presentation on YouTube.

Click here to watch YouTube video from Scotch's presentation on psychic hacking

After getting bunches of post-conference requests to share my parapsychology Ph.D. dissertation, I went ahead and made it public. It contains all of the experiment details, the results, the data, and my sources. You can download it here, or from the Psychic Experiment website. (p.s., if you work for the CIA, and are interested in reviving the Star Gate project to leverage intelligence from psychics, gimme a call!).

In other news, I had good intentions of running a 100K (62-mile) race east of San Diego, but 91F weather, a 5000-foot climb, and miles of ravines filled with sharp & slippery river rocks got the better of me.

I decided to drop at the 50K mark for my own safety, and because the heat slog slowed my pace considerably. I thought I’d finish the first 50K in 5-6 hours, but ended up finishing it in 9 hours, which meant I probably wouldn’t complete the second 50K before the race’s cutoff time. Nearly half of the runners dropped out early due to heat exhaustion (I saw some getting sick in the bushes), so I feel lucky I finished 50K unscathed, other than being caked in layers of dirt. Looking forward to revenge at my next 100K in April 2025! xoxo

Psychic Hacking & Kidnapping Elon Musk

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024

I hope you had a great summer — how’s it September already?! I’ve been keeping busy writing, training for my next 100K race, keeping the world safe from hackers, and working on paranormal projects.

I’m super excited to announce that I’ll be presenting at the 42nd Society for Scientific Exploration convention Sept. 27-29, where scientists will offer the latest paranormal research on nonphysical beings, crop circles, Tesla, tuning forks, energy healing, and more!

Ad for the 2024 Society for Scientific Exploration conference, where Scotch Wichmann will present on Psychic Hacking

In my talk, Psychic Hacking: Using Remote Viewing to Steal Computer Data, I’ll present evidence from my Ph.D. research showing that psychics can use remote viewing to steal computer data (and possibly even national secrets) from thousands of miles away. Pretty wild!

The conference is streaming online this year, so if you’re into fringe science & the paranormal, check it out at

….Andddd, I just learned that my dark caper-comedy screenplay, TWO ARTISTS KIDNAP ELON MUSK, is an official selection at the 2024 Austin Comedy Film Festival!

Adapted from my novel, two performance artists are driven over the edge by their soul-sucking jobs, so they plot the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss Elon Musk, and turn him into a performance artist.

Two strong female protagonists? A villainous Elon Musk smoking out with bad boy Joe Rogan? Madcap action and art with danger and absurdity? I guarantee it!

Poster for the screenplay, Two Artists Kidnap Elon Musk, by writer Scotch Wichmann

Parapsychology Ph.D. Complete!

Saturday, February 10th, 2024

Yesssss….. My parapsychology schooling (scientific study of the paranormal) is finally done — I’m a Ghostbuster at last! Lolol.

Building upon declassified U.S. government psychic research, my Ph.D. project tried to prove whether people can steal information from computers clairvoyantly.

I launched a double-blind study where 146 people from around the world tried to psychically sense information about randomly chosen picture, video, ATM PIN, & passphrase targets stored in computers located at a secret location in L.A., with submissions scored by 6 judges. Computers were not networked, had audio disabled, & screens were dimmed to black & shielded.

Many results were statistically significant. From thousands of miles away, some psychics described as many as 7 unique details about picture targets (a=0.05, p=0.000597) and video targets (p=0.000911). Likelihood was calculated to be on par with flipping a coin & getting heads 11 times in a row.

Some people sensed details tangentially related to psychic targets, even when the details weren’t physically present. One target was a short video clip from The Shining. Some psychics sensed blood, loud heartbeats, “a mother on vacation in the mountains,” and other film specifics, even though these details weren’t contained in the actual clip I used — wild!!

I’ll publish full results (600+ pgs!) after presenting in journals & conferences later this year. For fun, here’s one submission:

Parapsychology experiment by Scotch Wichmann showing a glass cathedral dome

Participant's submission successful described the dome features and colors

THANK YOU to my amazing participants, Dr. C. Bishop of Wesleyan U. for his math genius, the U of Sedona for guidance, my 6 tireless judges who judged 1,752 rounds of data, and to KayDee Kersten for being my adventure buddy on this wild ride!

P.S.: Wanna be more psychic? Participants answered survey questions about past psychic experiences, which I then compared to their actual psychic performance. Based on the data, you’ll have more success in your psychic endeavors if you set your intention to be psychic. Participants who BELIEVED they might be psychic were 21.8 times more accurate than doubters. xoxo

The Psychic Experiment is Done!

Sunday, November 6th, 2022

After running for 2 weeks, the Psychic Experiment finally closed its doors to the public on Sunday, November 6. And now the fun begins: independent judges and I are analyzing the data, which will eventually become part of my Ph.D. dissertation in Parapsychology.

To everyone who participated and promoted the experiment, THANK YOU SO MUCH! The turnout was fantastic. We had professional psychics participate, but for many people around the world, this was their very first paranormal experience EVER — how amazing is that?!?

I’ll post an update here once results are available sometime in 2023. Again, THANK YOU!

The Psychic Experiment is Live!

Sunday, October 23rd, 2022

My PSYCHIC EXPERIMENT is live! As part of my final school project in Parapsychology, and inspired by the CIA’s STARGATE remote viewing program in the 1970s, I’m trying to prove that some people have clairvoyant powers allowing them to “see” data in computers far away — and YOU can be part of it!

Plus, everyone who participates will be entered into a random drawing to win one of three $200 Amazon gift cards!

The experiment only takes a few minutes, so check out the video, and head on over to

P.S. — Once I have enough data, the experiment will close, so don’t wait too long to join the fun!

*** OCTOBER 31st UPDATE! *** It’s Halloween, and the Psychic Experiment has been ROCKETING forward with more participants than we ever thought possible — if you participated, THANK YOU! And if you’re still planning to try it, good news, there’s still time — the experiment closes Sunday, November 6, 2022.

Here’s a quick thank you:

Psychic Experiment Starts October 23!

Monday, October 3rd, 2022

Psychic Experiment by Scotch Wichmann

My psychic extravaganza is finally almost here! As part of my Ph.D. program in Parapsychology (the study of the paranormal), I’m conducting a public psychic experiment to see if people can use psychic powers to see data inside computers.

If you think psychic powers are probably real (and ESPECIALLY if you think you might be psychic), I hope you’ll participate! Starting October 23, point your browser at and have at it! 3 participants will also be randomly selected to win a $200 Amazon gift card!

Andddd if you’ll be near Ventura, California on November 4th, swing by the Art City Gallery and Studios, where I’ll be unleashing a new performance art piece with an array of awesome performers! 8PM and FREE!