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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Posts Tagged ‘psychic hacking’

More Psychic Hacking and My Legs Are Dead

Friday, October 11th, 2024

Fall is here, the leaves are falling, and I’m super excited to say that my presentation on Psychic Hacking at the 42nd Society for Scientific Exploration convention was a success with lively Q&A and a bunch of exciting follow-ups, including possible publishing and research collaboration opportunities. Yay! If you have 20 minutes to spare, and you’re curious whether psychics can hack into secure computers using only their minds, check out the video of my presentation on YouTube.

Click here to watch YouTube video from Scotch's presentation on psychic hacking

After getting bunches of post-conference requests to share my parapsychology Ph.D. dissertation, I went ahead and made it public. It contains all of the experiment details, the results, the data, and my sources. You can download it here, or from the Psychic Experiment website. (p.s., if you work for the CIA, and are interested in reviving the Star Gate project to leverage intelligence from psychics, gimme a call!).

In other news, I had good intentions of running a 100K (62-mile) race east of San Diego, but 91F weather, a 5000-foot climb, and miles of ravines filled with sharp & slippery river rocks got the better of me.

I decided to drop at the 50K mark for my own safety, and because the heat slog slowed my pace considerably. I thought I’d finish the first 50K in 5-6 hours, but ended up finishing it in 9 hours, which meant I probably wouldn’t complete the second 50K before the race’s cutoff time. Nearly half of the runners dropped out early due to heat exhaustion (I saw some getting sick in the bushes), so I feel lucky I finished 50K unscathed, other than being caked in layers of dirt. Looking forward to revenge at my next 100K in April 2025! xoxo